Moldova Post Parcel Tracking

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Moldova Post
When sending a parcel or placing an order in an online shop, you must be able to locate your goods sent by Posta Moldovei at any time. The tracking service and the Posta Moldovei website both use a special numeric-letter code to track parcels. This code allows you to always be aware of the delivery status of postal items.
Tracking postal items of Moldova Post by identifier
The identifier or track code is a unique combination that allows customers to specify the approximate arrival date of the order and the location of delivery in a given time period. It is important to note that this option is not always available. You will only receive a tracking number if the shipment has been properly registered. This procedure typically applies to registered letters, parcels, packages, etc. If you're sending a simple item, such as a letter, postcard or parcel without a receipt, you don't need a receipt. However, you won't be able to track the item's movement.
Once the registration process is complete, a track number is automatically assigned to the shipment. If the goods were transferred to the delivery via the post office, the track code will be displayed in the receipt.
If you've ordered something online, you can find the track number for your parcel in your online shop's personal cabinet. It's important to note that the order number and the track code are different. The order number is assigned when you make the purchase, while the track code is only generated after the goods are transferred to the delivery.
Here's how to search for your postal items on
- Go to the official site of service.
- Enter your existing track code in the field provided.
- Click the search button.
The system will automatically recognise the entered identifier and, if location information is available for it, will provide the data to the user.
Advantages of the tracking service is the best tracking service on the market. It has a number of undeniable advantages that distinguish it from similar programmes:
- lets you find out where your order is, and who is delivering it. The information provided is accurate and complete, so there is no need to look elsewhere.
- Track your international parcels with Orders from popular online shops (Amazon, Pandao, Joom) or shipments from any countries (Canada, Spain, PRC) – know where your shipment is. allows you to find out not only the location of the expected order (package, parcel), but also information about the services supervising this delivery (e.g. Russian Post, China Post). The accuracy and completeness of the information provided allows the user not to turn to other sites and services.
Track any international parcels via orders from popular online shops (Amazon, Pandao, Joom) or shipments from any countries (Canada, Spain, PRC) - be aware of the location of your shipment.
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Moldova Post parcel tracking number format
A postal tracking number can be formed by numbers only, although it is often still a number-letter combination. It is unique and is fixed for each package delivered individually. At first glance, the code is a meaningless set of letters and numbers, but there is still some logic in its formation.
All postal items are classified into two broad categories:
- domestic, which move within one state;
- international, whose addressee and addressee are in different countries.
In the first case the identifier is a combination of 10 digits and 4 letters. In this case the track number starts with "D" and ends with a combination of "RR", "CC", "AS" or "AR".
The International Standard S10 provides 13-digit combinations as track codes.
Depending on the type and category, parcels can be conventionally categorised as follows:
- up to 2kg;
- 2-20kg;
- EMS.
Moldova Post parcel tracking number format
A postal tracking number is always a number, although it may also include letters. This number is unique and fixed for each package delivered individually. On first inspection, the code may seem to be a random collection of letters and numbers, but there is in fact a method to its madness.
- All postal items are classified into two broad categories: domestic, which move within one state; and international, whose addressee and addressee are in different countries.
- In the first case, the identifier is a combination of 10 digits and 4 letters. In this case, the track number starts with "D" and ends with a combination of "RR", "CC", "AS" or "AR".
The International Standard S10 provides 13-digit combinations as track codes.
The following is a conventional categorisation of parcels, depending on their type and category:
- up to 2kg;
- 2-20kg;
- EMS.
Each package is assigned a unique track number, which begins with "R", "C" or "E" respectively. The second character of the code is followed by any letter of the Latin alphabet, then a 9-digit combination of numbers. The identifier ends with a combination of two Latin alphabet letters that represent the code of the sending state. For example, for China it is CN.
It should be noted that the above track code formats are not the only ones used. If a commercial organisation is responsible for transporting a parcel within its country of origin, the format of the number may differ (for instance, it may consist of two letters and 17 digits). Once the border is crossed, the track code will change to a new one that corresponds to the international standard. is the tracking service you can rely on to find out the delivery status at any stage, regardless of the parcel's location. Once you enter the track number in the designated field, the programme will immediately display the current status of the postal item.
The service also records the moment of delivery of goods to the addressee with a special mark.
It is not always the case that the parcel is in the hands of the addressee at the point of delivery. There are a few reasons why a delivery might be delayed or even impossible:
In these situations, the parcel is left waiting for the recipient for a set period of time, after which it is returned. The category of the parcel determines the measures that will be applied for its transfer to the addressee. If this does not happen, the status in the system will change to "Unsuccessful attempt of delivery."