Zoom Parcel Tracking

Tracking your parcel
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Zoom is an express delivery service for both legal entities and individuals. All Zoom shipments are tracked at track.global and have a unique identifier. You can find out the location of your order anywhere in the world.
Our platform offers unparalleled tracking capabilities that users love:
If several transport companies are involved in the movement of a parcel or cargo, our service will determine the route of each of them and provide general information in a convenient format.
Through track.global you can track all registered international shipments, for example from PRC, England or USA, any transport company (incl. FedEx, Pony Express, USPS) in real time - the service is available 24/7. All orders from online marketplaces such as iHerb, ASOS and Shein are monitored by our search robot - no parcel will be left unattended.