Shiptor Parcel Tracking

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On the website for Shiptor transport company customers, tracking of postal parcels is available in just 2 clicks. Enter the track number in the special field on this page, and find out the location of the parcel, no matter in which online shop you purchased its contents.


Shiptor: parcel tracking

Shipping aggregator Shiptor works with many online shops around the world and co-operates with the most popular postal services, such as Russian Post, SDEK, DPD, Boxberry, PickPoint, USPS, DHL, FedEx and others. (over 170 in total). The network covers more than 7,000 cities in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. The company acts as an intermediate link between the client and the freight forwarder, undertakes the organisation of shipping and interaction with courier services.

What a track number is for and how to find it

The track code is used to determine the current location of the package and is transmitted to the sender by the postal service. It is a unique identifier of the parcel in the carrier's information base. By entering it in a special field, you will know not only where the order is at the moment, but also the approximate time left until its delivery.

After creating an account and concluding a contract on the website, Shiptor takes care of all the hassle of shipping the goods, including working with carriers. If you purchased the goods in an online shop and chose delivery by this company, the code for tracking will be shown in the personal cabinet of the service. If you sent the parcel yourself, it can also be found on the Shiptor website.

After the order gets directly to the courier, the parcel may be assigned an additional identifier. On the day of dispatch, the customer receives an SMS notification with a tracking number from the courier service. You can always track Shiptor parcel through our website by any of the tracking codes available to you.

Benefits of the service is an intuitive tool that helps you find out the status of Shiptor and other courier organisations' shipments. It is convenient to use our site for order monitoring because:

  • you will be able to know where the purchased goods are now, even if they are sent by several operators of different countries. Our service cross-checks all participating carriers and compiles a complete route from point of dispatch to point of delivery. The order coming from China can be tracked across Russia without any problems even if it is transferred from one operator to another;
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  • you can check deliveries of the most famous courier services from a large number of marketplaces;
  • you can control several routes at once by registering in your personal cabinet;
  • also when you register, you will receive notifications to your email as soon as the package arrives at the next intermediate destination.
  • you can control several routes at once by registering in your personal cabinet.

    Our algorithm determines the approximate arrival date of a mail container by collecting detailed information from courier organisations around the world. It takes into account the category, country of origin, time of initial registration and date of customs clearance to predict how long the package will take.

    Track any international parcels via orders from popular online shops (Aliexpress, Eicherb, Pandao, Joom) or shipments from any countries (Canada, Spain, Belgium, PRC) - be aware of the location of your shipment.


    Shiptor Tracking Number Formats

    Shiptor's tracking number has the form RP12345678. When sending a shipment through the postal service, the identifier is usually given without the letter prefix on the receipt. To track via, add RP before the numeric code.


    The tracking number for international carriers can also consist of numbers and letters. A typical one looks like XX123456789YYY. The letter prefix encrypts the type of shipment. For example, RA-RZ is a registered small package. The last two letters are the designation of the state postal institution. For example, RU - Russia. Between them is the unique 8-digit container number plus an additional digit for internal verification. Here are the most common prefixes:

    • L - tracked letter;
    • R - small package;
    • C - parcel;
    • E - express;
    • U - unregistered consignments.

    Russian track code has no letters. There are 14 digits in total. The first 6 are the index of the person or organisation that sent the shipment. The 7th and 8th - correspond to the month of barcode printing - information needed for internal systematisation. The next 5 digits are the unique package number, and the final digit is for internal control.


    Knowing the track code, you can easily monitor the movement of your order along the way. allows you to find out where your shipment is in a couple of seconds, without having to visit the websites of each trucking company separately.

    Shiptor Tracking Statuses

    Along the route, a parcel passes many intermediate points, which is reflected in the statuses. Users can see these markings when tracking. Here are the possible options used in the Shiptor system:

    • New - parcel created;
    • Packed - packed and weighed in the warehouse;
    • Ready for dispatch - entered into the information base of the warehouse and waiting to be loaded onto the carrier's transport;
  • Shipped - handed over to the courier;
  • Delivered - transferred by courier to the recipient or handed over at the point of delivery;
  • Deleted - withdrawn. The request is revoked only in the status "New". The possibility to restore it in the system is retained for 24 hours.
  • Returned - stored in the warehouse after an unsuccessful attempt of delivery.
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  • Returned to sender - transferred by the aggregator's employees back to the online shop.
  • It usually takes 1-2 days to bring the goods to the client within the city. The term of shipment between cities depends on the distance of the location of settlements.

    Trust the monitoring of delivery to the customer within the city usually takes 1-2 days.

    Entrust Shiptor and other logistics companies to us and know the exact location of your order in seconds. will collect detailed data on its movement and notify you of the delivery status by email.

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